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antics, australian birds, australian native tree, birds, blossoms, bottlebrush, breeding, callestimon, charming, crimsonrosella, fauna, finch, finch's, flowering gums, flowers, gardens, lagoons, landscape, nativegardens, orchards, parks, red browed finch, seedeatingbird, tiny, wings -

Honestly, I personally have found Finch's are the most complicated to investigate. There is nothing simple about them at all. There appears to be 15 species of Finch's in Australia.You can also do your own search or you can click on the  Red-Browed Finch. They are a beautiful little bird and fairly tame for having their photos taken. They are 11-11.5cm in size. Similar species is the Red-eared Firetails they hang around in fairs and families and darts to cover in bouncing flight. Their voice is a high pitched squeak, sharp 'dup'; brisk chatter Their habit includes grassy clearings in...

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antics, australian native tree, bee hives, Bees, blossoms, bottlebrush, callestimon, charming, cherryblossom, colonies -

Spring of 2022 right up til Christmas Day was so much cooler than normal, so our natives were not flowering as normal, so bird life was quieter and we didn't see the bee activity as normal. Now they start to appear but temperatures are fluctuating at the moment a cold day or 2 then a boiling hot day will come along, but our wildlife adapts. I was reading an article recently in "THE LITTLE BOOK OF BEES" by Hilary Kearney and illustrated by Amy Holliday. I thought I would start this post sharing a little article with you.     ...

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antics, australian birds, australian wildlife, birds, charming, cockatoo, eggs, feathers, gum trees, nest, sociable, sulphurecrestedcockatoo -

Being in lock down is far from fun, but absolutely necessary for every Australian health.The Sulphur Crested Cockatoo or also known as the White Cockatoo that visit us daily, have really kept the smiles on our faces helping us not to be thinking about how tight everything is.Their gestures and antics are so funny, and where they look like they are attacking each other they are not. We have a lot of fun trying to work out what they are saying They are 44-51cm in size and they breed from August -January.The female will lay 2-3 eggs.They are also highly...

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antics, australian birds, birds, breeding, charming, colourful, eggs, fairywrens, feathers, garden festival, gardens, insect eating, nest, Red Backed Fairy Wren, Variegated Fairy Wren -

It is not always easy to spot the tiny Wrens but if you are lucky to spot them, you will find them just amazing to watch especially in their breeding season when the males are busy keeping an eye on all his females. Most wrens are very small and very quick and when not breeding they can be hard to find. The Variegated Fairy-Wren below is so colourful especially the male. Their size is 11cm-14.5cm.They breed from July-Mar  and a female will lay 3-4 eggs. Their preferred habitat is shrub associations, undergrowth, margins of clearing, woodlands, heaths,sand plain and dune...

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australian birds, breeding, charming, colourful, ducks, eggs, feathers, plumed whistling duck, seedeatingbird, sociable, wildlife, wings, zebras -

I never ever thought we would ever have this stunning duck the Plumed whistling duck on our property and two of them, a pretty little female and a handsome male walked daily around our property, regularly coming up near the back of our house and laying under the shade of a tree near where we had a bowl of fresh water. Late afternoon they would fly out to feed on the seed in local pastures and return to a base camp during the day. Well this couple thought they were living in a resort with fresh water plenty of shade...

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