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australian birds, australian native tree, australian wildlife, birds, breeding, coastal cliffs, coastline, dams, estuary, feathers, fish, gum trees, reservoir, white bellied sea eagle -

Other name: White-Breasted Sea-Eagle. A very large white and grey eagle with un-feathered legs and feet. Their size being 70-90cm and wing span 2 meters. The female is larger. It soars in majestic circles with its broad, upswept wings and short white tail dark at the base gives it the look of a huge butterfly the under wings divide into white and blackish triangles This one was circling very high up so my telescopic lens was stretched to the limit to capture this grand eagle. Juveniles 1st year their head is bluish and spiky, contrasting with patchy cream and dark...

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antics, australian birds, australian wildlife, birds, bluewingedkookaburra, breeding, charming, colourful, countrytowns, dams, eggs, estuary, fauna, feathers, flora, Forest Kingfisher, insect eating, Kookaburra, lagoons, lakes, landscape, laughingkookaburra, nativegardens, nest, ponds, rainforests, reptiles, rivers, Sacred Kingfisher, wildlife -

We are very fortunate to have both the Forest Kingfisher and the Sacred Kingfisher living in the trees on and around our property. Just being able to walk out our front door and just take a couple of steps to be able to photograph these beautiful little birds in their natural environment is beautiful. Years ago we put a very shallow frog pond in the bottom corner of our yard, the rain runoff keeps it topped up with lovely cold fresh water. Yes we have frogs in their but because we just let it do what it wanted to do...

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australian birds, australian native birds, australian native tree, australian wildlife, birds, bottlebrush, breeding, callestimons, charming, colourful, double barred finch, dubbo, eggs, estuary, fauna, feathers, finch, flora, lagoons, landscape, landscapes, nativegardens, nest, parks, ponds, rivers, road trip, seedeatingbird, seeds, tiny, wings, woodlands -

Another little Aussie gem is the Double-Barred Finch which is a tiny 10-11cm in size. It is also known as the Banded or Black-ringed Finch. It has 2 distintive thin black bars across its lower white throat and chest, the rump is also white and the tail is black. It is seed foraging in pairs or flocks. Similar species are Banded Whiteface, and White-fronted Chat. I have only spotted this little charfmer a couple of time, first time was onnour road trip to Dubbo in September 2019 where I captured him (see Featured Photo) and at Petrie near the river...

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australian birds, australian native birds, australian wildlife, birds, charming, colourful, eggs, estuary, fauna, feathers, flora, gum trees, insect eating, insects, nativegardens, nest, rivers, striated pardalote, tides, wildlife, wings, woodlands -

I captured these Striated Pardalote along the Pine Rivers in Queensland. They keep giving me the fly around darting into pine trees, fir trees, and it was hot so they were always hiding under something to get so shade, but even when fluffed all up they looked really great. You can check out my other post with all their details on my earlier post Dedicated to all the Australian Fauna and Flora lost in the 2019/2020 bush fires   

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coastline, coral attols, eastern osprey, estuary, islands, lagoons, nest, osprey -

Known mostly as the Eastern Osprey, other names are Fish Hawk, Osprey. It is a large graceful fishing hawk 50-65cm with a wing span to 1.7m. They can by seen near coastlines, estuaries, inlets, islands and surrounding waters, coral atolls, lagoons, rock cliffs and stacks. They Breed April - July. The nest is large and made up of sticks, seaweed, rope etc high in trees or on pylons. In Queensland and I am sure this is done in the other states, there are many man made towers for the Ospreys erected near their habitats and close to their feeding grounds....

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