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australian birds, australian native tree, australian wildlife, birds, breeding, coastal cliffs, coastline, dams, estuary, feathers, fish, gum trees, reservoir, white bellied sea eagle -

Other name: White-Breasted Sea-Eagle. A very large white and grey eagle with un-feathered legs and feet. Their size being 70-90cm and wing span 2 meters. The female is larger. It soars in majestic circles with its broad, upswept wings and short white tail dark at the base gives it the look of a huge butterfly the under wings divide into white and blackish triangles This one was circling very high up so my telescopic lens was stretched to the limit to capture this grand eagle. Juveniles 1st year their head is bluish and spiky, contrasting with patchy cream and dark...

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australian birds, australian native birds, birds, blossoms, bottlebrush, callestimon, corkbackedcoasters, corkbackedplacemats, feathers, flowering gums, honeyeaters, male scarlet honeyeater, nectar eating, placemats, pollen, scarlet honeyeater, wings -

Available from our shop are these beautiful cork backed place mats (6 to the box) and coasters (6 to the box). They are available as a set or individually. Postage Australia wide is free. We will not be doing another print run of these, but are looking at other sets to do down the track.

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antics, australian birds, australian wildlife, birds, charming, cockatoo, eggs, feathers, gum trees, nest, sociable, sulphurecrestedcockatoo -

Being in lock down is far from fun, but absolutely necessary for every Australian health.The Sulphur Crested Cockatoo or also known as the White Cockatoo that visit us daily, have really kept the smiles on our faces helping us not to be thinking about how tight everything is.Their gestures and antics are so funny, and where they look like they are attacking each other they are not. We have a lot of fun trying to work out what they are saying They are 44-51cm in size and they breed from August -January.The female will lay 2-3 eggs.They are also highly...

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antics, australian birds, australian native birds, birds, bottlebrush, colourful, feathers, flowering gums, gardens, grevilleas, gum trees, nectar, nectar eating, parks, rainbow lorikeets, sociable -

Unfortunately with Brisbane being in Lock Down again Lindy and I had to cancel our day road trip on Wednesday but I didn't mind as the Lorikeets on our property kept us entertained. Here is just a couple of photos that I took yesterday. Hope everyone is keeping safe. They love to interact with us humans and some of them are very acrobatic and often enjoy hanging upside down. Showing off their feathers is their specialty

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antics, australian birds, birds, breeding, charming, colourful, eggs, fairywrens, feathers, garden festival, gardens, insect eating, nest, Red Backed Fairy Wren, Variegated Fairy Wren -

It is not always easy to spot the tiny Wrens but if you are lucky to spot them, you will find them just amazing to watch especially in their breeding season when the males are busy keeping an eye on all his females. Most wrens are very small and very quick and when not breeding they can be hard to find. The Variegated Fairy-Wren below is so colourful especially the male. Their size is 11cm-14.5cm.They breed from July-Mar  and a female will lay 3-4 eggs. Their preferred habitat is shrub associations, undergrowth, margins of clearing, woodlands, heaths,sand plain and dune...

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