Bees Are Amazing

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Bees Are Amazing

Spring of 2022 right up til Christmas Day was so much cooler than normal, so our natives were not flowering as normal, so bird life was quieter and we didn't see the bee activity as normal. Now they start to appear but temperatures are fluctuating at the moment a cold day or 2 then a boiling hot day will come along, but our wildlife adapts. I was reading an article recently in "THE LITTLE BOOK OF BEES" by Hilary Kearney and illustrated by Amy Holliday. I thought I would start this post sharing a little article with you.                                                 "Although it's commonly believed that bees evolved from pollinating wasps, the detail of the theory are still shrouded in mystery because of gaps in the Bee fossil record. The most recent clue was uncovered in 2006, when the oldest known Bee MELITTOSPHEX BURMENSIS was found encased in amber. This 100-Million-Year-Old fossil provides new evidence in support of the theory because it has traits of both Bees and Wasps. It is considered particularly important because it has also branched hairs, which today's bees use for collecting pollen" Hilary went on to say over time some bees became social creatures and gave up their solitary lifestyle in favour of colony life. They developed complex societies where many bees shared a single nest and the duties of maintaining it. They evolved special stomachs for carrying nectar and built structures in their nests to store it. Eventually, this practice led to the creation of honey. Bees emerged as the most successful pollinators of the era and still hold the title today, with more than 20,000 species around the globe.  
It is so important we try to avoid pesticide and chemical use around the gardens and even on grass because we see bees on our grass especially if you have a patch of clover in your grass. We need to look after our bees, plant more flowering native trees shrubs and even ground covers. Mother Nature is just so amazing you can see more interesting information by clicking on the

Bees Link

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