rainbow lorikeets RSS

antics, australian birds, australian native birds, birds, bottlebrush, colourful, feathers, flowering gums, gardens, grevilleas, gum trees, nectar, nectar eating, parks, rainbow lorikeets, sociable -

Unfortunately with Brisbane being in Lock Down again Lindy and I had to cancel our day road trip on Wednesday but I didn't mind as the Lorikeets on our property kept us entertained. Here is just a couple of photos that I took yesterday. Hope everyone is keeping safe. They love to interact with us humans and some of them are very acrobatic and often enjoy hanging upside down. Showing off their feathers is their specialty

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antics, australian native birds, birds, colourful, feathers, rainbow lorikeets -

Taking a walk in the garden early in the morning does have a few advantages. Here I was able to get the early suns rays filtering through the palm trees and this Lorikeet was in the right spot at the right time, with the sunlight showing off some great features of this colorful Australian Bird           Dedicated to all the Australian Fauna and Flora lost in the 2019/2020 bushfires 

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antics, australian native birds, australian wildlife, rainbow lorikeets, romantic, sociable -

Welcome to my Blog   I have always been interested in Fauna and Flora photography. Through my own eyes and my cameras I photograph our unique birds in their natural environments and in flight. I also photograph flowers and capture some of our amazing landscapes, waterfalls, valleys, sunsets and sunrises, beaches, rivers, and mountains. With my macro photography, I enjoy capturing some of our smallest, cutest, little creatures and flowers. Australia is really unique, with about one million different native species. More than 80% of  the country’s flowering plants, mammals, reptiles and frogs are unique to Australia, along with most...

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