striated pardalote RSS

australian birds, australian native birds, australian wildlife, birds, charming, colourful, eggs, estuary, fauna, feathers, flora, gum trees, insect eating, insects, nativegardens, nest, rivers, striated pardalote, tides, wildlife, wings, woodlands -

I captured these Striated Pardalote along the Pine Rivers in Queensland. They keep giving me the fly around darting into pine trees, fir trees, and it was hot so they were always hiding under something to get so shade, but even when fluffed all up they looked really great. You can check out my other post with all their details on my earlier post Dedicated to all the Australian Fauna and Flora lost in the 2019/2020 bush fires   

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australian birds, australian native birds, australian native tree, australian wildlife, birds, bottlebrush, charming, colourful, eggs, fauna, flora, insect eating, insects, nest, rivers, striated pardalote, tiny, wildlife, wings -

I have tried for a couple of years to capture this little one. The Striated Pardalote is only 9.5-11.5cm in size. No wonder it has taken me so long to find. Their colors are absolutely beautiful in both the very early morning and day light. Their other names are Pickwick, Wittachew and Chip-chip. I really enjoyed taking these photos using natural light early in the morning right on the bank of a river, this little one perched on a limb overhanging the river slightly and he had early morning sun rays highlighting his beautiful features They breed from June -Feb...

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