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antics, Australian Bird Guide, beach, birds, books, charming, Danny Rogers, feathers, fish, Jeff Davies, Kim Franklin, lakes, pelican, Peter Marsack, Peter Menkhorst, rivers, Rohan Clarke, sand, sociable, sunrise, tides, waves -

It is amazing that Pelicans have been around for so long. Fossil evidence of pelicans dates back at least 30 million years and it would be hard to believe that these very gentle birds could ever be a species of the dangerous dinosaurs. I loved travelling to the coast with my Mum and Dad and siblings when we were little and enjoyed watching in sheer amazement these great big white angels of the sky, the way they silently and gracefully glided around with very little effort.   Along the waters edge, they would waddle up near us, I suppose they...

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rainforest, rivers, road trip, sunrise, travel, windingroads -

We said goodbye to the Cattlemans Country Inn Dubbo about 5.00am as we wanted to have breakfast at this great little place we found in Dubbo.  Once on the road our first stop was planed for at Gunnedah which was about a 3 hour drive from Dubbo, however when we got there we couldn't find anywhere to stop and freshen up and we didn't want to spend too much time there looking for somewhere as we still had a long way to go to get to Dorrigo hopefully by mid afternoon, so we stopped about 10 minutes out of Gunnedah...

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