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antics, australian birds, australian native tree, birds, blossoms, bottlebrush, breeding, callestimon, charming, crimsonrosella, fauna, finch, finch's, flowering gums, flowers, gardens, lagoons, landscape, nativegardens, orchards, parks, red browed finch, seedeatingbird, tiny, wings -

Honestly, I personally have found Finch's are the most complicated to investigate. There is nothing simple about them at all. There appears to be 15 species of Finch's in Australia.You can also do your own search or you can click on the  Red-Browed Finch. They are a beautiful little bird and fairly tame for having their photos taken. They are 11-11.5cm in size. Similar species is the Red-eared Firetails they hang around in fairs and families and darts to cover in bouncing flight. Their voice is a high pitched squeak, sharp 'dup'; brisk chatter Their habit includes grassy clearings in...

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antics, australian birds, australian king parrot, australian native birds, australian native tree, australian wildlife, birds, breeding, colourful, dams, fauna, feathers, flora, flowering gums, gum trees, king parrot, nativegardens, orchards, parks, rainforests, seedeatingbird, wildlife, wings, woodlands -

The King Parrots never disappoint me I get the opportunity to photograph them. These photos were all taken at O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat Qld a couple of years ago and just never got around to posting them. Iam lucky as I don't have to travel now to get my King Parrot photos as I have my own little family of them visit us on our property and come to almost arms reach of us while relaxing under our patio. But I thought I would share these few photos to show how socialable, colorful and charming they are. The male has lovely...

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australian king parrot, birds, breeding, charming, coasters, colourful, corkbackedcoasters, corkbackedplacemats, dams, eggs, fauna, feathers, flora, flowering gums, gum trees, juvenilekingparrot, king parrot, nest, orchards, parks, placemats, rainforests, seedeatingbird, seeds, sociable, wildlife, wings -

Up until last summer I had never seen a juvenile King Parrot, in fact I hadn't even seen a King Parrot male or female until April 2019. Since then they have frequently visited our property. It started with 2 females and 1 male juvenile King Parrots which was amazing as we were able to watch the male transform into the stunning male that he is with his all red head and chest. This first juvenile Male had his first chick last summer and the Male and female bought him down to show him off to my husband and I. Normally...

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bluewingedkookaburra, crustaceans, insects, Kookaburra, laughingkookaburra, mammals, orchards, parks, reptiles, woodlands -

Everyone loves the Kookaburras. There are 2 different Kookaburras, the Laughing Kookaburra Daccelo novaeguineae which is also known as the Laughing Jackass can be found right down the east coast of Australia to Eyre Peninsula South Australia, and the Blue-Winged Kookaburra Dacelo leachii which is also known as the Barking Jackass; Howling Jackass. It can be found, coastal north west, and north, north east Australia and Islands from Shark Bay Pilbara Western Australia to 50km south west of Brisbane Queensland Kookaburras are birds in the Kingfisher subfamily Halcyoninae The Laughing Kookaburra occupies the same territory all year and they are...

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