Entertaining Cockatoos

antics, australian birds, australian wildlife, birds, charming, cockatoo, eggs, feathers, gum trees, nest, sociable, sulphurecrestedcockatoo -

Entertaining Cockatoos

Being in lock down is far from fun, but absolutely necessary for every Australian health.The Sulphur Crested Cockatoo or also known as the White Cockatoo that visit us daily, have really kept the smiles on our faces helping us not to be thinking about how tight everything is.Their gestures and antics are so funny, and where they look like they are attacking each other they are not. We have a lot of fun trying to work out what they are saying They are 44-51cm in size and they breed from August -January.The female will lay 2-3 eggs.They are also highly intelligent  I took these few photos early morning and you can see the rain drops on the low fence. In the right light they often look like white angels playing in the sky.Thought I would share these on here for you to enjoy

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