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australian king parrot, birds, breeding, charming, coasters, colourful, corkbackedcoasters, corkbackedplacemats, dams, eggs, fauna, feathers, flora, flowering gums, gum trees, juvenilekingparrot, king parrot, nest, orchards, parks, placemats, rainforests, seedeatingbird, seeds, sociable, wildlife, wings -

Up until last summer I had never seen a juvenile King Parrot, in fact I hadn't even seen a King Parrot male or female until April 2019. Since then they have frequently visited our property. It started with 2 females and 1 male juvenile King Parrots which was amazing as we were able to watch the male transform into the stunning male that he is with his all red head and chest. This first juvenile Male had his first chick last summer and the Male and female bought him down to show him off to my husband and I. Normally...

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antics, australian native tree, charming, cockatoo, feathers, flora, flowers, gum trees, leaves, sociable -

A very well known Australian Character is the Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo  They most certainly have their place in the Australian Landscape. Everyone loves the Cockatoo, well almost everyone apart from the few people who like to have peace and quiet around them. The Cockatoo is well know for its loud shattering screeches They Breed from May-Sept in Northern Areas of Australia and from Aug-Jan in southern parts of Australia. The female will lay 2-3 eggs I captured this photo below very early in the morning and there were plants behind them, I had a shallow depth of field and with their...

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australian native birds, beach, charming, eastern osprey, feathers, sand, sociable, waves -

I spent a few hours watching this young female and male Osprey yesterday building their relationship with each other and building their nest together. They were building their nest on a man made tower especially built for them to nest. They are mostly located on or near our coastal rivers, inlets, coastlines and islands. Their breeding season in northern Australia is April-July and Southern parts of Australia July-Sept Both the female and the male frequently left the nest during that 2 hours of watching them. Sometimes they came back with sticks, sometimes they came back with a fish. There was...

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antics, Australian Bird Guide, beach, birds, books, charming, Danny Rogers, feathers, fish, Jeff Davies, Kim Franklin, lakes, pelican, Peter Marsack, Peter Menkhorst, rivers, Rohan Clarke, sand, sociable, sunrise, tides, waves -

It is amazing that Pelicans have been around for so long. Fossil evidence of pelicans dates back at least 30 million years and it would be hard to believe that these very gentle birds could ever be a species of the dangerous dinosaurs. I loved travelling to the coast with my Mum and Dad and siblings when we were little and enjoyed watching in sheer amazement these great big white angels of the sky, the way they silently and gracefully glided around with very little effort.   Along the waters edge, they would waddle up near us, I suppose they...

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antics, australian native birds, australian native tree, birds, charming, colourful, corkbackedcoasters, feathers, flora, flowers, honeyeaters, nectar, pollen, sociable -

There is 190 species of  Honeyeaters,roughly half of them are Native to Australia. Many Australian Native trees and plants are fertislised by the honeyeaters, plants such as Proteaceaer  and the Ericaceae and  Myrtaceae Unfortunately I haven't photographed all of them at this stage but hopefully will get many of them in our future road trips. The  Striped honeyeater just below was a delight when I spotted him in one of our native trees recently being only 21-23 cm in size but it did keep itself very well hidden in the thick growth. Another one I spotted for the first time...

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