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australian native birds, australian native tree, Bees, bottlebrush, callestimon, feathers, flowers, leaves, macro photography, malebowerbird, nectar, nectar eating, pollen, quick -

 Australian Native flowering trees, shrubs and ground covers plants are an amazing food source to a large number of bees, birds and other  insects like the  Callistemons They come in all sizes and have a variety of flower colors    

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australian native tree, Bees, nectar, pollen -

The flower on the Lemon Scented Tea Tree is dripping with rich nectar. It is popular with the Bees at the moment with the trees being heavily loaded with these small flowers.  

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antics, australian native birds, charming, feathers -

This Blue-faced honeyeater wasn't too impressed with the rain. I have witnessed siblings feeding  and watching over each other when the parents are away from them. The juvenile's face is olive-green, their bib is grey. They are very playful and even though they are known be  aggressive, I have never seen this behavior in these birds. They are always chased by the more territorial birds. They forage in foliage, blossoms and fruit  

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antics, australian native birds, australian wildlife, rainbow lorikeets, romantic, sociable -

Welcome to my Blog   I have always been interested in Fauna and Flora photography. Through my own eyes and my cameras I photograph our unique birds in their natural environments and in flight. I also photograph flowers and capture some of our amazing landscapes, waterfalls, valleys, sunsets and sunrises, beaches, rivers, and mountains. With my macro photography, I enjoy capturing some of our smallest, cutest, little creatures and flowers. Australia is really unique, with about one million different native species. More than 80% of  the country’s flowering plants, mammals, reptiles and frogs are unique to Australia, along with most...

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