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australian birds, australian wildlife, birds, breeding, colourful, eggs, fauna, feathers, flora, insect eating, insects, nest, rainforests, rufous fantail, wildlife, wings, woodlands -

Capturing the Rufous Fantail this year was a tremendous achievement for me as I had been trying to find them for a couple of years. They are also known as the black-breasted rufous-fantail or rufous-fronted fantail. They are 15-16.5cm in size but they are very very quick. The fan like tail when in flight is so striking. The rufous fantail is easily distinguished by their orange-reddish-brown back, rump and base of tail. Their preferred habitate is undergrowth of rainforests, wetter eucalypt forests and gullies, monsoon forests.paperbarks, sub-inland and coastal scrubs, water courses, parks and gardens They can be very hard...

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australian birds, australian native birds, australian native tree, australian wildlife, birds, bottlebrush, charming, colourful, eggs, fauna, flora, insect eating, insects, nest, rivers, striated pardalote, tiny, wildlife, wings -

I have tried for a couple of years to capture this little one. The Striated Pardalote is only 9.5-11.5cm in size. No wonder it has taken me so long to find. Their colors are absolutely beautiful in both the very early morning and day light. Their other names are Pickwick, Wittachew and Chip-chip. I really enjoyed taking these photos using natural light early in the morning right on the bank of a river, this little one perched on a limb overhanging the river slightly and he had early morning sun rays highlighting his beautiful features They breed from June -Feb...

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australian birds, australian native birds, birds, breeding, Breeding Coucal, eggs, fauna, feathers, flora, native, nativegardens, nest, rainforests, reptiles, wildlife, wings -

The Pheasant Coucal I must confess it is not my most favorite bird because it is responsible for eating many of the young chicks nesting on our property. These photos I took here were taken a couple of years ago before I acquired my good len's and it was overcast almost raining on and off. Other names are Cane Pheasant and Swamp Pheasant. They are 50-70cm in size with the female being larger. The Pheasant Coucal in these photos are a breeding Coucal. There is a difference in eye color and feather colours in breeding and none breeding coucals, but...

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australian birds, australian native birds, birds, bowerbird, colourful, feathers, maleregentbowerbird, rainforests, wildlife -

I get to achieve many wonderful things photographing birds, wild life and landscapes. The Male Regent Bowerbird when I saw him for the first time, I considered him very timid, but as I got to work with them more and more and I built up trust with them I was  amazed just how sociable they are. It is not easy to build up this trust it takes time and patience. But what really amazed me was on my last photography trip to O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat last September was how 2 just flew down on my husband's hand and perched there...

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australian birds, australian native birds, australian native tree, australian wildlife, colourful, flowering gums, grevilleas, gum trees, honeyeaters, insect eating, insects, native, nativegardens, nectar, nectar eating, nectar eatng, nest, White Cheeked Honeyeater, wildlife, wings -

A gorgeous little bird with its striking colors of yellow, black and white. White-Cheeked Honeyeater is only 16-18cm in size and lives, breeds and feeds in rainforest margins, eucalypt forests, watercourse vegetation, coastal scrubs, paperbarks, and wet heaths. The most similar species is New Holland Honeyeater They also source insects often hovering for them in the air. On the Whitye Cheeked Honeyeater link above there is a lot of information on the lovely little bird, well worth the read. They Breed April- Nov and they have just the one partner for the breeding season. (how lovely) or depending on nectar...

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