The Sociable Male Regent Bowerbird

australian birds, australian native birds, birds, bowerbird, colourful, feathers, maleregentbowerbird, rainforests, wildlife -

The Sociable Male Regent Bowerbird

I get to achieve many wonderful things photographing birds, wild life and landscapes. The Male Regent Bowerbird when I saw him for the first time, I considered him very timid, but as I got to work with them more and more and I built up trust with them I was  amazed just how sociable they are. It is not easy to build up this trust it takes time and patience. But what really amazed me was on my last photography trip to O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat last September was how 2 just flew down on my husband's hand and perched there so comfortably for several minutes. He had waited and waited and tried and tried over many months but finally they did it. No food was required. The female was not so confident and she didn't come down.


Most of these were taken around 5.00am in the morning. A very striking stunning bird. Dedicated to all the Australian Fauna and Flora lost in the 2019/2020 bush fires                                                                                          


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