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bee hives, Bees, blossoms, bottlebrush, callestimons, flora, flowering gums, flowers, honey, pollination -

I never get tired or sick of the buzzing sound of bees which we have all year round, thanks to the many natives trees, shrubs and flowering gums. I heard that Bees can remember human faces and that doesn't surprise me because when I am photographing them I get up so close to them and they appear to look at me and I have never been stung by one yet (touch wood). So how did honey start?  From reading and researching bees, I have learnt that in 2006 the oldest know Bee known as  Melittosphex Burmensis  was found encased in...

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australian birds, australian native birds, australian native tree, australian wildlife, birds, bottlebrush, breeding, callestimons, charming, colourful, double barred finch, dubbo, eggs, estuary, fauna, feathers, finch, flora, lagoons, landscape, landscapes, nativegardens, nest, parks, ponds, rivers, road trip, seedeatingbird, seeds, tiny, wings, woodlands -

Another little Aussie gem is the Double-Barred Finch which is a tiny 10-11cm in size. It is also known as the Banded or Black-ringed Finch. It has 2 distintive thin black bars across its lower white throat and chest, the rump is also white and the tail is black. It is seed foraging in pairs or flocks. Similar species are Banded Whiteface, and White-fronted Chat. I have only spotted this little charfmer a couple of time, first time was onnour road trip to Dubbo in September 2019 where I captured him (see Featured Photo) and at Petrie near the river...

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australian birds, australian native birds, australian native tree, australian wildlife, birds, bottlebrush, charming, colourful, eggs, fauna, flora, insect eating, insects, nest, rivers, striated pardalote, tiny, wildlife, wings -

I have tried for a couple of years to capture this little one. The Striated Pardalote is only 9.5-11.5cm in size. No wonder it has taken me so long to find. Their colors are absolutely beautiful in both the very early morning and day light. Their other names are Pickwick, Wittachew and Chip-chip. I really enjoyed taking these photos using natural light early in the morning right on the bank of a river, this little one perched on a limb overhanging the river slightly and he had early morning sun rays highlighting his beautiful features They breed from June -Feb...

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australian native birds, australian native tree, Bees, bottlebrush, callestimon, feathers, flowers, leaves, macro photography, malebowerbird, nectar, nectar eating, pollen, quick -

 Australian Native flowering trees, shrubs and ground covers plants are an amazing food source to a large number of bees, birds and other  insects like the  Callistemons They come in all sizes and have a variety of flower colors    

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