Our First Set Of Cork Baked Placemats and Coasters
So why did we select the Male Scarlet Honeyeater to feature on our first Cork Backed Placemats and Coasters when we have so many lovely images of Australian Native Birds to choose from?
Our eldest son and his partner bought me a bird book for Christmas a few years ago. The book was written by Graham Pizzey and it was illustrated by Frank Knight
The name of the book is 'The Field Guide To The BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA' This book has great detail and information helping to make bird identification a little easier. I was intrigued by the Scarlet Honeyeater as it is claimed to be the smallest of the Honeyeaters
I thought my chances of ever capturing it on camera would be very grim with it being only 10cm in size that would make it very difficult to spot in amongst the foliage, however I was on our property photographing the King Fishers that were hanging around some of our trees when I noticed a tiny bird with red all down the front of it at the top of a Allocasuarina Black Shee Oak At that stage I didn't know what it was so had it identified, which was the Male Scarlet Honeyeater.
I sat down there near that tree everyday for the next 5 months early in the morning in the hope that it might return but it never did. In August 2019 hubby and I were starting our spring pruning and garden cleaning. It was a very warm day so we took a break and sat under the Callestimons that were all starting to come into flower when we both spotted this tiny red bird flittering from one flower to another. It was so tiny and so very fast. I had to make a made dash for my camera len's and tripod, but I was sure that when I get back there, it wouldn't be there. To my surprise it was, not just one of them but many stunning little males. The more I photographed them the more I fell in love with them, the more I learn't about them.
So capturing the Male Scarlet Honeyeater was definately the highlight of my photography year in 2019, so really we all knew it would be them that would feature on our first set of cork backed placemats and coasters.
Our Cork Backed Place Mats Size: 34cm x 26.5cmx 0.4cm Each set of 6 cork backed placemats comes in an attractive scarlet red box. On the bottom of the box is a small write up about the Male Scarlet Honeyeater. They are heat resistant and have a gloss finish making them easy to care for. Each placemat in the set has a different image of the Male Scarlet Honeyeater. See images below
Ist Placemat image
2nd Placemat Image
3rd Placemat Image
4th Placemat image
5th Placemat Image
6th Placemat Image
Our Cork Backed Coasters Size: 11cmx9.5cmx0.4cm Each set of 6 cork backed coasters comes in an attractive scarlet red box. On the bottom of the box is a small write up about the Male Scarlet Honeyeater. They are heat resistant and have a gloss finish making them easy to care for. Each coaster in the set has a different image of just the Male Scarlet Honeyeater of each image in the placemats set See images below
Ist Coaster Image
2nd Coaster Image
3rd Coaster Image
4th Coaster Image
5th Coaster Image
6th Coaster Image