Bees Are Very Important and Very Precious

colonies, nectar, oxygen, pollen, pollination -

Bees Are Very Important and Very Precious

My favorite captures this week are the amazing very clever Bees spreading the word about how important they are for our worlds survival

They never stop buzzing from flower to flower collecting all the pollen Another important food source for the bees is nectar

Bees do an amazing job pollination  If we don't stop using pesticides and chemicals and fertilisers our Bee colonies all over the world will be destroyed.  If all our Bees die we will not have a world to live in, we will have no trees, flowers, plants, no oxygen to breath, this is just putting it mildly. We need to look after our bees, this is so very important

  The editor at Happy DIY Home. just published an updated, comprehensive guide on how to know which bees to keep and which bees to repel. How I Get Rid Of. It is completely free and you can find it here:

UPDATE 24/10/2021

Happy DIY Home has just updated, a comprehensive guide on ground nesting bees. It is completely free and you can find it here

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