Larrikin Rainbow Lorikeet

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Larrikin Rainbow Lorikeet

I love capturing the Rainbow Lorikeet  

also known as  Blue Mountain Parrot and Red-collared Lorikeet. They would be one of the most expressive birds that I know. Their antics and gestures are just beautiful. They certainly like to entertain those watching them. The colors of their feathers are vibrant and rich and combine together to give the WOW factor. They feed all year round at our property in the flowering natives. 

Size: 25-32cm  No other Australian parrot has streaked blue head and orange chest. Their desired habitat is rain forests, eucalypt forests, woodlands, paperbark woodlands, coastal banksia, scrubs, heaths, mangroves, plantations, gardens and street trees. They Breed from June -Jan  Eggs: 2-3

They make flying look so easy even when it is raining.

In other bird varieties there is significent difference between the male and the female in appearance but nit with the Lorikeet. There is little to visually distinguish between the sexes. They both look the same.

In Melanesia coconuts are very important food sources, and rainbow lorikeets are important pollinators of these. But they also love to eat fruit

One of my favourite captures was this tickle tickle tickle photo

Oh those colors

They love hanging upside down, and I have witnessed very near misses when they slide down a palm prong and they can't grip it tight enough to stop. They just shake themselves off and go again. Here it is like he is saying look Mum one leg

And if these two aren't too cheeky, then I don't know what is.

They are a very welcome daily visitor to our property, and I know we have had many young chicks born in one of our tree hollows.

I think this is a great photo to end this post. What a lovely smile !!!

Dedicated to all the Australian Fauna and Flora lost in the 2019/2020 bushfires





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