Continuing On Our Road Trip To Dubbo

armidale, australian native birds, birds, black snake, bushfires, colourful, dams, drought, dubbo, eastern rosella, feathers, glenriddle silo, king parrot, little falcon, picnic, rivers, road trip, tamworth, wildlife -

Continuing On Our Road Trip To Dubbo

We thoroughly enjoyed stretching our legs walking around the very pretty town of Armidale. There was a large park just a short stroll from our motel. There were lots of birds but I was hoping to capture the Black Cockatoo. Unfortunately we didn't see them but we did see the

Eastern Rosella

We also spotted the female and male King Parrot

Lindy and I woke early ready for the start of our second day of our road trip to Dubbo. After a nourishing brekkie we hit the road. Lindy had our whole trip mapped out and with the help from Google maps we didn't get lost.

The further we travelled the drier, hotter and dustier it was getting. No water anywhere not one blade of green grass everything was dead. There were dead animals on the side of the road every couple of meters, they were obviously crossing the road in search for food and water.

Little did we know at this stage that one of Australias worst bushfires would destroy all this too

We saw some amazing sights along the way like the Barraba silo's

After a short stop here to stretch our legs and to take some photos we started searching for a reserve, somewhere to stop and have some lunch, hopefully where there was a river and wildlife. What we thought looked like a great place to stop was the Glenriddle Recreation Reserve. I imagined it to be a lush green scene with a lovey blue clean river with abundant wildlife. Well it wasn't quiet like what I had imagined. It was dry, not much water just a hole here and there the rest of the river was dry sand and rocks. There were picnic table shelters amongst the cow piles everywhere, that attracted millions of flies. Haha that is one of the things I love about Australia's country, the flies.

I don't think Lindy and I ate very much in fear of eating a fly. Anyway I decided to grab my camera and go for a closer look, while Lindy went for a walk in search of birds. I soon spotted a Australian Hobby

This stunning bird is also known as the Little Falcon. While capturing him on camera I could see Lindy running up the walking track yelling out something. I thought she had spotted a bird something different as she appearred to be very excited. She was too far away for me to hear what she was saying so continued taking photos. When she got to me she said there is a big black snake. Well you have never seen 2 gals move so fast. We threw everything in the car and we took off quick smart and we were still starving hungry, but we did leave the flies behind as well as the snake. I'd say the Little Falcon I was capturing on camera had also spotted the snake and it was probably going to be his lunch, but we were not going to hang around and watch the action

We continued on towards Dubbo where we were expecting to arrive around 2.50pm-3.00pm we were making good time but we were both looking forward to arriving in Dubbo having a hot shower and treating ourselves a great meal at the restaurant where we stayed being the Cattlemans Country Inn.

We did a little drive around Dubbo going down to the river which was lovely. We hit the sack early ready for an early start to our 3rd day of our road trip to Dubbo, which will be my next blog post


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