Better Than A Fairy Tale

australian native birds, australian native tree, charming, colourful, feathers, flowers, nectar, pollen, scaly-breasted lorikeet, sociable -

Better Than A Fairy Tale

Could I love this little bird more than the others, well probably not because we have so beautiful birds here in Australia but he would have to be one of my favourite. He certainly keeps me entertained when out and about in our garden.

The Scaly-Breasted Lorikeet  is a small bird being only 22-24cm in size and is the only Lorikeet with an unmarked green head and the neck and breast has a distinctive yellow scaly pattern. Their bill and eyes are red but in a juvenile their bill is brownish and they have less yellow in plumage

They associate with other Lorikeets and have the same general habits.

They are very happy for  me to take their photo and offen follow me around the yard from one tree to another.

In flight their wing lings are orange to red.

They are very quick, here one minute gone the next second and being nearly all green and small they are offen hard to spot in the trees.

They love feeding in our Australian native trees, like the gorgeous Flowering Gums and the Callistemon  and Grevillea


Sometime they play hide and seek with you


Sometimes they sit at the top of a tree like they own that tree

Sometimes they look sincere

They have had many babies in the tree hollows on our small property. They breed from May to February and lay 2-3 eggs

They are an absolute joy and very precious

 Dedicated to all the Australian Fauna and Flora lost in the 2019/2020 bushfires


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