A Special Very Cheeky Crimson Rosella

antics, australian native birds, australian native tree, birds, charming, colourful, crimsonrosella, feathers, nectar, pollen, rainforest, road trip, sociable -

A Special Very Cheeky Crimson Rosella

Selecting one of my photos to be printed on canvas then framed, is a very difficult time consuming project, often involving going through hundreds and hundreds of great photos. Then all of a sudden you see a photo that puts the biggest smile on your face, a photo that you experienced a special connection with and you know that is the photo to have done.

That was the case with this unbelievable Crimson Rosella

It wasn't long after my Mum passed away, and I was standing in a garden taking photos of a handsome male King Parrot I wasn't expecting this king parrot to be so close to me as I had my tameron zoom lens on which is great for birds and wildlife 5 meters or more away. I started stepping back so I could fit all the King Parrot in and all of a sudden I couldn't step back any further I has right up against the garden edging behind me. I continued focusing on the King Parrot when I could hear this strange noise behind me. When I turned around here was this very cheeky cute Crimson Rosella. I started stepping backwards slowly so as to not frighten him as I didn't want him to fly away. I managed to get far enough away to get him in fairly well. I started taking photos of him occasionally removing the camera from my eye and looking at him directly and then something happened,

I can't explain it, he bent right over looking at me so tenderly, so lovingly as if we had know each other for years and years. I could feel my eyes filling up with tears as I looked at him it was like he was trying to communicate with me is some way. I could of stayed there taking photos of him all day.

He certainly found me probably at the time of your life when you need someone and he definitely knew that too. So this had to be the first photo to have printed and then we had to decide out of these 3 photos which one do we do. Taking the 3 photos into our printer, he recommended the one featured in this post as a portrait print 45cm x 60cm. The day came to pick my printed framed photos up and I was over the moon with this one.

The other 2 photos in this post can also be printed onto canvas and framed but as a landscape 50cm x 40cm

The Frames, Printing and Canvas comes with a 100 year warranty



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